Poppyfield Equestrian employs highly qualified instructors to conduct our lessons, these professionals require their time booking in advance. To do this we operate a booking system where the client can advise whether they’re able to attend the next available session for their ability group. As our lessons are graded by ability, there is little room for manoeuvre on the timings of the next session; at the riding school’s discretion, we may be able to swap days but not the grading of the session. During the booking-in process we will ask the client for their preference of horse/pony to ride during the next session. Whilst we offer the opportunity to request a particular horse/pony, this does not form a binding obligation, it must be noted that we reserve the right to change the mount at any point up to, and including during, the ride. Changes will be made due to animal welfare, operational requirements, or rider’s safety, e.g., a horse becomes unwell, a smaller/taller rider requires the size of horse/pony booked, or the instructor feels that the rider is unable to safely ride the horse/pony. Please note that these changes are non-negotiable and refusal to ride the alternative offered, will deem the lesson as cancelled and the cancellation fee becomes applicable (see below).
At each session, the client will arrive for their lesson no later than 15mins prior to the start time and book-in at the desk prior to their lesson; clients must pay for their lessons prior to commencing the lesson. Payment must be made in full, including any cancellation fee’s from missed lessons, by either cash (preferable) or cheque (made payable to Mrs J Morton). It is the client’s responsibility to ensure they book for future sessions as we cannot assume they will be able attend every session and are unable to ‘hold’ spaces for that eventuality; Poppyfield Equestrian will not be held liable if future bookings are not made at the time of booking in. The client will be offered lessons at their next timed interval, e.g., weekly/fortnightly and the opportunity to choose their mount. By making a booking, the client accepts that the policies detailed below become applicable, and they have an obligation to meet all required criteria:
1. Rider’s Code of Conduct
2. Cancellation Policy
3. Digital Media Policy
Cancellations can lead to whole sessions being cancelled, due to insufficient attendance, which incurs additional administration duties and fees, in addition to any other associated costs. We appreciate that there may be extenuating circumstances and will evaluate each instance on an individual basis. Any cancellations must be notified to Poppyfield Equestrian by either telephone call (voicemail facilities are available) or text message to 07707 399181, or in person; please be aware that we cannot accept cancellations by any other means. If notifying by text, please ensure that the message has been marked as sent. Please be aware that weekends are a busy time for us, and we may not be able to answer the phone/text immediately.
In the event that Poppyfield Equestrian cancels a booking due to extreme weather conditions, there will be no charge incurred. However, if you choose to cancel a booking due to weather concerns, and Poppyfield Equestrian deems it safe to proceed, full payment will be required.
To cancel a session, we will require the following information:
• Rider’s name
• Date and time of the session being cancelled
Should a client not be able to attend a lesson, we ask that they give us as much notice as possible. Where notice is less than 24hrs prior to the ride time, the client will still be liable to pay the cost of that missed lesson, payment for this will be required at the next point they book-in.
If a private/semi-private lesson has been booked, please be aware that cost of the lesson remains payable even if cancelled, regardless of the notice period given. It is unfortunate that we need to do this, but private lessons are arranged specifically for the client and will incur lost time for the instructor.
It is possible to request a new booking whilst notifying of a cancellation, please ensure that the next required date/time is clearly listed.
Once we receive a cancellation, we will text a confirmation of it and advise whether a cancellation fee is applicable; if an alternative date has been requested, we’ll also confirm those details.