Poppyfield Equestrian allows parents/carers and visitors to bring in personal mobile telephones and devices for their own use. We request that mobile phones/devices are either turned down or in silent mode, to prevent disruption to lessons.
Cameras and Video Recording
We fully appreciate that taking photographs and videos of your family members is a way of recording precious memories, however we ask that you restrict your images to those of your family only. Should you wish to share images with others, especially via social media platforms, please ensure that images of unrelated children are not included with your images. You may wish to share images of your children, however there are others who prefer to not have an online presence – please be respectful to their wishes. Where an image is shared, by a parent/client, with Poppyfield Equestrian social media, it must be remembered that these media outlets are not secure and can be viewed by members of the public.
Images of Children
We regularly take individual or group photographs of the children during events. These images may be used for display on our social media platforms or on our website. Poppyfield Equestrian has been using photographs of children in such ways for many years with no problems, however, to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 we require permission from parents/carers to take these photographs.
We promise to:
• Seek parental permission for images to be taken or used for publicity purposes for every child in our care
• Not identify individual children in our displays or on our website without prior parental consent
• Request that parents do not place photos of non-related persons onto a social media site
Social Media Platforms
We understand that clients may wish to tag Poppyfield Equestrian in some of their photographs/posts. Please do not associate us with any negative group chats or those with political, religious, or potentially discriminatory posts, or expect us to engage or express views on such posts. Additionally, the opinions and content posted to our page by other users does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Poppyfield Equestrian. Any commentary posted should be relevant and respectful to Poppyfield Equestrian and its community. We reserve the right to remove any content that we deem unacceptable, and to block and report any client who repeatedly violates these terms.